Monday, June 22, 2020

(VIDEO) Vitamin D levels crucial to success against COVID-19

A study out of Indonesia suggests that a person hospitalized with COVID-19 has a 98-plus percent chance of dying if they are Vitamin-D deficient.

The same study says that if hospitalized and not Vitamin-D deficient, a person has just a four percent chance of dying.

Below is a 31-minute video giving more details on this and other issues related to Vitamin D and how it relates to success against COVID-19.

The more you know!

Activated Vitamin D affects 36 organ systems including: (1.) immune system  (2.) pancreas  (3.) heart  (4.) blood pressure  (5.) muscle strength  (6.) brain activity   (7.) prostate health  (8.) colon health  (9.) bone marrow   (10.) kidney health  (11.) lung health  (12.) retina   (13.) skin   (14.) stomach ...and many more.

Vitamin D is tied to 2,000 genes in the human body. It has 2,000 ways of being activated in the human body, or another view: Vitamin D affects 2,000 different mechanisms in the human body.

In terms of the cardiovascular system, Vitamin D is closely tied to your heart's health. Heart health, bone health and immune system function are all closely tied to Vitamin D levels.

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