Saturday, May 16, 2020

A plea for the children (from a pediatrician)

Kinlee Swanson and Jordan Wosmek, both 2015 B-B-E graduates, posing for a Prom Grand March photo.

Noteworthy advice from a Texas pediatrician:

  • Dr. Adrian Gaty to Alex Berenson, former reporter for the New York Times

May 15, 2020

Dear Mr. Berenson,

Thank you so much for what you've been doing the past few months. I know you've got a huge audience, and I'm sure many among them are pediatricians like me, who have seen the numbers on how little risk COVID poses to our patients. I just wanted to write to encourage them to speak out to their patients. I posted the message below on my practice's website, strongly encouraging families to let their kids go out and play with their friends, warning of the huge and totally pointless mental health catastrophe we're facing.
I was bracing for an onslaught of nasty Karengrams (you should see my my next door...), but the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. I know of several play dates, and even a youth soccer practice, that were organized directly as a result of my post.
I think that a lot of families are ready to ignore the harmful expert advice and let their kids free, but reluctant to do so without a doctor they trust telling them it's okay.
So hopefully you can encourage some of the other doctors who follow you to go ahead and give their patients the okay. Let's get our children sane again!
Here's the link to my post, I pasted it below:

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