Friday, May 24, 2024

Brooten city council meeting agenda for May 28

The Brooten city council meets in regular session on Tuesday, May 28 at 7 p.m. The meeting agenda is posted below.

  7:00   Building Permit – Shawn and Danielle Arnold at 526 Central Avenue North - Fence

  7:15   Kern Nelson – PERA Cost Analysis Report for Review

  7:30   Juli Bohmer – Land Donation from John O. Bohmer

  7:45   Request to Combine Parcels – Dave and Pam Bast @ 541 Central Avenue South

  8:00   Resolution 2024-9 - Accepting Donation – Scandinavian Lakes Association

  8:15    Interest in Renting Donated Land for Planting

  8:30    Pickleball Nets - Prices

  8:45    Other

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